Janette Brooke
Proprietor + Cosmetic Registered Nurse (Division 1, General Registration)
AHPRA #NMW0001447040 (B.Nur, GradCertCosNurs)
Janette has been a Registered Nurse for 29 years, with 23 years of cosmetic experience. She has a Level 8 tertiary education Post Graduate Cosmetic Nursing Certificate, Facial Anatomy Master Class Certificates, Cosmetic Master Class Qualifications, Advanced Training Certificates and Diplomas.
Janette works in close collaboration with trained Medical Practitioners. A Medical Practitioner will meet you in clinic, face-to-face in the initial consultation process to review your health history and psychology screening, and to assess your safety and suitability for non-surgical cosmetic treatments. Medical Practitioners will also be readily available to review or intervene at any stage of your treatment process if necessary.
Nursing Career and Experience
Janette graduated from Bachelor of Nursing, QUT (Brisbane) in 1995.
Janette has practiced as a Registered Nurse in the following roles:
- Non-Surgical Cosmetic Nursing (Clinical Nurse)
- Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Nursing (Clinical Nurse)
- Surgical Nursing (Clinical Nurse)
- Intensive Care Nursing
- Clinical Nurse Hospital Educator
- Clinical Pathway Co-ordinator (developing hospital wide patient care plans)
- TAFE Enrolled Nurse Assessor
- Hospital Co-ordinator / Hospital Nurse Manager, and
- Proprietor of Suppelle® Cosmetic Clinic (2004-present).
Janette has a professional membership history with the Cosmetic Nurses Association (CNA), Australian College of Nursing (MACN), Aesthetic Medical Emergency Team (AMET), Association of Professional Aestheticians of Australia (APAA), and Cosmetic and Reconstructive Nurses Association of Australia (CARNAA).
Janette found her niche in non-surgical cosmetic nursing whilst working in a Plastic Surgeon's Practice. She founded and launched her own business Suppelle® in December 2004 in association with Medical Practitioners. Over the past 23 years, Janette has witnessed the evolution and variation of non-surgical cosmetic products, their delivery methods, and corrective strategies including complication management.
Janette is dedicated to her own professional development. With continual study and training, she has developed a highly respected reputation in the industry. Over the years, she has participated in one-on-one training from visiting international Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeons. In 2006 Janette was actively involved in the policy development of "Guidelines on the use of Soft Tissue Cosmetic Injections by Dental Practitioners" for the Dental Board of Queensland. Janette has also assisted local surgeons with specific soft tissue augmentations.
By nature, Janette is a caring person who loves a good laugh. She is authentic, ambitious, creative, and meticulous.