phone 07 4725 4340

Booking Appointments

To book a routine / non-urgent appointment at Suppelle® please:

  • call during business hours 
  • sms during business hours
  • email (expect replies during business hours).

Details can be found on the contact page. Bookings cannot be made through social media (messenger, facebook or instagram).

When scheduling your appointment, please inform Suppelle® if you have any health concerns, are taking medications/supplements, if you are pregnant/breastfeeding, or have other medical / dental appointments scheduled. This may affect your treatment options and stages of planned treatments.

If it is after hours when you think of booking a non-urgent appointment - PLEASE send an email. 

For URGENT issues or concerns please call or text at any time.


Suppelle® understands that sometimes unexpected things happen. Suppelle® does not need to know the reason why you cannot attend your appointment BUT being a "No Show" for your appointment inconveniences other people too.

Every client receives a reminder sms 24 hours before a scheduled appointment (unless they have opted out of messaging). Please notify Suppelle® when you receive this message (or ASAP before your appointment) if you need to cancel / reschedule.

Please contact Suppelle® if you wish to change the treatments planned for your appointment. Different treatments have different time requirements.

Clients who fail to notify Suppelle® AND who do not arrive to their scheduled appointments may be required to pay a non-refundable booking fee for future appointments.

Clients who repeatedly do not arrive for appointments will not be able to book future appointments.

Adults Only

Suppelle® is a medical clinic that requires informed consent, supplies medical grade skin care, and performs sterile procedures of venipuncture, medical needling and non-surgical cosmetic treatments to the face and body.

For this reason and for the requirement of matured anatomy, Suppelle® is only open to adults (18+ years). 

Suppelle® does not have a receptionist in the clinic. For this reason Suppelle® cannot provide a child-minding service.

* Please do not bring children to your appointment *

It is not appropriate nor safe for children to be left unattended in the waiting room:

  •  if they climb or wander they may fall off chairs, leave the clinic, fall down stairs, enter the car park or busy street outside - leading to injury
  • medical grade skin care testers are for mature skin and may irritate or cause injury to their skin
  • the kettle / coffee machine, hot water from the tap, electrical cords and outlets can all cause injury
  • tampering with skin care product packaging may lead to unsellable products
  • using crayons / pens may damage clinic property.

It is not appropriate for children to be in the treatment room:

  • for their safety - needles/sharps, medical grade solutions/cleaners and skin care may cause irritation or injury
  • for their own psychology - witnessing needling, blood / bruising or any pain may be traumatic
  • for your safety - unpredictable climbing / bumping the examination bed, devices or myself during treatments may cause injury
  • for infection control reasons - children may touch and contaminate surfaces with microbes / bodily fluids, and this in turn may lead to infections
  • for optimal results / treatment outcomes - you may not be able to lie completely still during treatments and I require 100% focus on the delicate nature of your anatomy. This may not be achievable if there is a child causing distraction.

* Clients who arrive to an appointment with children will be asked to reschedule *


Please arrive on time for your appointment. Suppelle® allows time for paperwork completion so there is no need to arrive super early. Please bring your licence/ID, medicare and private health insurance cards. 

All initial consultation appointments include a Medical Practitioner in clinic, face-to-face to:

  • review your health assessment and psychology screening
  • assess your safety and suitability for non-surgical cosmetic treatments
  • authorise non-surgical cosmetic treatments, and
  • sign consent forms.

Please notify Suppelle® if you will be late. If you are late your appointment time will need to be adjusted accordingly, or rescheduled to another date / time to avoid disruption to Medical Practitioners and other clients.

You must be 100% well for ALL treatments.

If you arrive to your appointment and you are unwell, your appointment WILL be rescheduled. This is for your safety with treatments, and to minimise adverse reactions. It is also for workplace health and safety of staff, and to protect public health and safety of other clients / visitors and our broader community.

Mobile Phones

On arrival, please switch your phone to silent mode.

Answering phone calls during a treatment is not permitted for infection control reasons. 

Special consideration will be given to clients who may be expecting an urgent or important phone call - these calls will need to be taken on speaker phone to avoid contamination of the treatment area. The sensitive nature of your phone call and privacy of the caller should therefore be considered.

Please be aware that the time taken on your phone affects the time scheduled for your appointment accordingly. 


Suppelle® respects privacy and confidentiality. Suppelle® does not publish photographs without a signed consent form or written permission from the client (AHPRA: 1 July 2023). It is against TGA regulations to publish before and after photographs that relate to prescription only products/treatments (TGA: 18 December 2023). Client photographs form part of a client's confidential medical record and will not be released to anyone, unless required by law.

Suppelle® adheres to TGA advertising regulations and does not permit client photography, filming or live streaming during appointments. Please do not hashtag or comment with product names on Suppelle® social/media pages - this is against Australian law. Please do not tag / hashtag / comment  Suppelle's name in any form of media. If this occurs and someone publishes content online or in print without Suppelle's review or written consent, that person / organisation will be held accountable for any regulation or health law that is breached.